EntityLaunch App

Swap Aggregator

Entity is a platform that combines multiple cryptocurrency exchanges and DeFi protocols into one interface, enabling users to find and execute trades at the best rates. By pooling liquidity from various sources, it offers competitive prices, reduced slippage, and efficient transactions through optimized trade routing.


Limit Orders

Crypto limit orders are trade instructions placed on a cryptocurrency exchange to buy or sell an asset at a specific price or better. Unlike market orders, which execute immediately at the current market price, limit orders only execute when the market price reaches the specified limit price or a more favorable one. This allows traders to have more control over the price at which their orders are filled, helping them manage risk and maximize potential profits.


Automatic DCA

Crypto Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy where an investor divides the total amount of money to be invested in cryptocurrency into equal parts and purchases at regular intervals, regardless of the asset's price. This method helps mitigate the impact of volatility by spreading purchases over time, potentially lowering the average cost per unit and reducing the risk of making a large investment at an unfavorable price.


Limit Order DCA

Elevate your trading and profit-taking strategy by combining limit orders with Dollar Cost Averaging. By setting your buy or sell orders over time at predetermined market prices, you can optimize your investment approach.


Perpetual Leverage

Crypto perpetual leverage involves using perpetual contracts, which are derivatives without an expiration date, to trade with borrowed funds. This allows traders to amplify their exposure to an asset, potentially increasing profits or losses, without actually owning the asset.



A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is an organization governed by smart contracts on a blockchain, where decisions are made collectively by its members through a consensus mechanism, often via token-based voting. DAOs operate without centralized control, allowing for transparent, secure, and automated management of assets and decision-making processes.
